Options for the audio classifier task.

base_options Base options for the audio classifier task.
running_mode The running mode of the task. Default to the audio clips mode. Audio classifier task has two running modes: 1) The audio clips mode for running classification on independent audio clips. 2) The audio stream mode for running classification on the audio stream, such as from microphone. In this mode, the "result_callback" below must be specified to receive the classification results asynchronously.
display_names_locale The locale to use for display names specified through the TFLite Model Metadata.
max_results The maximum number of top-scored classification results to return.
score_threshold Overrides the ones provided in the model metadata. Results below this value are rejected.
category_allowlist Allowlist of category names. If non-empty, classification results whose category name is not in this set will be filtered out. Duplicate or unknown category names are ignored. Mutually exclusive with category_denylist.
category_denylist Denylist of category names. If non-empty, classification results whose category name is in this set will be filtered out. Duplicate or unknown category names are ignored. Mutually exclusive with category_allowlist.
result_callback The user-defined result callback for processing audio stream data. The result callback should only be specified when the running mode is set to the audio stream mode.



category_allowlist None
category_denylist None
display_names_locale None
max_results None
result_callback None
running_mode <AudioTaskRunningMode.AUDIO_CLIPS: 'AUDIO_CLIPS'>
score_threshold None